Friday, February 24, 2012

Anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, may

Major League Baseball was impressed reported that dozens of players to take effective drugs such as anabolic steroids. As anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are drugs that are usually synthesized from the male hormone testoterone play. They were forbidden by many sports organizations, including the International Olympic Committee, because of their health risks and potential competitive advantage. They are controlled substances in many countries including USA, Canada and Britain, and can be taken in tablet form or injection. Their exact effects on the body is still subject to scientific debate. Why do athletes take them? Anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, may improve the body's ability to train and compete at the highest level. They reduce fatigue associated with training and time needed for recovery after exercise. They also contribute to the development of muscle tissue in the body associated with increased strength and power. This is achieved by stimulating production of proteins in the body. However, some increased muscle mass may be due to the setting of water and minerals, thus increasing the number may not be as pronounced as expected. What are the risks associated with anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids promote the growth of many tissues, stimulating the release of the hormone testoterone. In the disequilibrium of the body, anabolic steroids can potentially cause damage to many important organs of the body, especially in the liver, which deals with the destruction of connection. There is also a risk of damage to lasix drug reactions the heart, which consists of muscle tissue. Anabolic steroids can lead to heart muscle enlargement that can lead to heart attacks.

negative effects of anabolic steroids
Drugs also contribute to the growth of bones, particularly facial bones such as jaws and teeth. They were also associated with increased risk of cancer. The development of inappropriate sexual characteristics such as breasts in men and facial hair in women;

male impotence. Are all anabolic steroids detected drug tests? Some sports people who take anabolic steroids escape detection because they no longer take drugs to compete, giving the body time to break down compounds. Some also take other drugs to try to hide the presence of steroids in the body. .

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