Friday, February 24, 2012

A recent poll showed that 45 percent of workshop ...

Migraines, migraine headaches, migraine help, migraine treatment

Migraine headaches or migraines causing unnecessary suffering to about 28 million Americans, including over 4 million people suffer from migraine once a month. Fifth of migraine sufferers are candidates for medicine, but less than one million treated migraine prophylaxis. Why? Most doctors do not understand the primary natural treatment of migraine. A recent poll showed that 45 percent of workshop family doctors did not properly diagnose migraine. Physical phenomena that lead to migraines is not completely clear. Currently, however, the theory that migraine results from stimulation lasix 14 mg of nerves and enlargement of blood vessels - and in the brain and dura mater, membrane covering the brain. In response to certain triggers migraines, the following cascade of events:

trigeminal nerve stimulation leads to release of chemicals, including serotonin >> << nerve

migraine headaches are simply the result of inflammatory reactions in the brain >> << to the presence of food sensitivity. Dr. UC Beneman writes in his book "Fundamentals of food allergy" that almost 60% of the adult population >> << hidden or delayed food allergies. They are now known as


reactions in the medical literature and can be defined food allergy test >>. Migraine << can be traced to an overactive nervous system, some studies show, while others believe that migraine related to overactive immune response to food. Migraine headaches occur in people with hyperactive immune system that is the result of over-stimulation caused by food sensitivity. First hyperactive immune system that is the result of over-stimulation caused by food sensitivity. We are talking about serious reactions to the sensitivity of slow food. Intolerance words nutrition and food allergy is an alternative terminology to describe this phenomenon. Some people believe that in addition to food, stress or muscle tension migraine trigger. Others believe that sensory triggers, as light, smell or movement cause migraine. Of course, some weather brings on migraines and others that this Chinese restaurant

syndrome (MSG). What do you think the cause of migraine still comes down to >> << overactive immune system burdened by the delay sensitivity of the patient's diet.natural treatments for emphysema The main cause of migraine can be determined by test as >> << If our concept of migraine treatment makes sense for you, then you should consider your doctor order this test for you. Treatment is simple - to identify reactive foods and change their diet. .

There are several categories of drugs prescribed

You really need medication for bones? Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.

There are several categories of drugs prescribed for the defense of the bones. In this article we will discuss the results of a group known as bisphosphonates. YouBЂ ™ Bi probably seen advertisements all over the world with popular celebrity who

prevents the loss of bone mass in front of certain approved prescription drugs. While these ads may help somewhat increase our awareness of the importance >> << to bone health, I would I as much money as the big pharmaceutical companies >> << to loudly broadcast one message you must hear:

You probably donBЂ ™ t

needed medicine for healthy bones. My reflections on the basis of their research generic lasix and experience, which, as the most popular forms

prescription drug BЂ "bisphosphonates (with trademarks Fosamax,

Actonel or Boniva) BЂ" not the best way to prevent osteoporosis and fractures,

may even damage the bone after further use, and also carries the risk of dangerous side effects. As your attorney bone health, I urge you to carefully examine any medications that you

can make an informed decision about your personal therapy. If you're concerned about your bone health, IBЂ ™ m not the only call you issue >> << use of bisphosphonates as a first step. In 2004, the doctor

under the following pyramid as a guide to protect bone health:

Based on (or what should be tried first): prevention and treatment that starts with

nutrition, physical activity and avoid falling. The second level includes assessment and treatment of the root causes of threats << bone health. The very top >> pyramid, and the last resort, is pharmacotherapy BЂ "drug bone.

Unfortunately, many practitioners turned this pyramid upside down, and prescribe drugs

bones before trying anything else. It may seem easy, just pop pills and

forget about it, but prescription medication is rarely easy on your body. As bisphosphonates have your practitioner may recommend bisphosphonates based design drugBЂ ™ s to slow or stop the

loss of bone density. Drug molecules are attached to the surface and mineral

, in the cortex (outer compact bone) and trabekulyarnoy (inner spongy matrix) bone to give a marked increase in bone mass and strengthen >> << ; effect. It does this by preventing perforation, which can weaken bones structure, >> << and intervention in the cells that break bone BЂ old "known as

osteoclasts. This means

resorption, the natural process of clearing old bones

slowed down, so that existing bone remains for a longer time than usual. However ... We know that there is time lag in

first six to 12 months after the drug when the bone under construction

and ceases to be destroyed. This initial separation of the natural process of bone >> << explains why the test results appear dramatic bone density in the first year >> << to bisphosphonates. But a year later, everything begins to change ... Studies show that after the first year, markers of bone turnover BЂ

"growth and resorption BЂ" down sharply. Thus, the bone is neither creation nor destruction

once youBЂ ™ Bi bisphosphonates were more >> << year or so. While women taking bisphosphonates, may seem to have more dense bone first

bone scans, he doesnBЂ ™ t mean the bone is actually stronger. In fact, we know that

bones naturally become less dense as we age, but what protects us from exhausting

fracture our innate ability to recover, which means to break down old bone and resume

new bone as naturally as part of the cycle. And that is the natural recovery process of the bones stopped drugs, quite likely that the prolonged use

weaken rather than strengthen bones. I had a patient who was on Fosamax for four years and then turned in her bedroom

evening and fell to the floor, breaking his leg in two different places. Although these BЂњlow-traumaBЂ "BЂњnontraumaticBЂ and" fractures arenBЂ ™ t is with great

number of women on bisphosphonates, they certainly serve as a warning for those

whereas prolonged use of these drugs as BЂњpreventive medicine. BЂ "It also points

that stop bone resorption doesnBЂ ™ t automatically gives us strong bones

, and may actually make them more brittle over time. WhatBЂ ™ s disappointment for me this way numbers of studies can be manipulated to

exaggerate treatment benefits. Statistical calculations often are complex and can be represented >> << differently BЂ "depending on what you want to say! One way BЂњspin numbersBЂ "should present the results of specially selected

research participants as representative results for all others. In one study, researchers asked

BЂњreal-worldBЂ "patients taking drugs was the same bone fracture reduction

benefits seen in clinical trials. After analyzing hundreds of studies, they

found that very compatible, BЂњreal worldBЂ "patients osteoporosis drugs tested

21% reduction of all clinical fractures. This compares with 24% of the clinical

reduce the fracture face subjects with osteoporosis drug trials. Now compare a 21-24% reduction in fractures of the benefits of bone drugs >> << documenting research that those who took vitamin D in any dose (less than therapeutic doses)

Experience 23-26% -decrease in fractures. This is a completely different message than the ones that we often hear BЂ "as bone drug

reduce the likelihood of fractures by 50% that they are much more effective than

natural There is much fear and anxiety around any diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia. ItBЂ ™ s know that your body is capable of creating and strengthening

dice on their own, when considering the need to support and time for this. Ultimately, the choice

you. Recipes that are advertised on television sounds and looks tempting, but

benefits often exaggerated. Over 25 years in our center bone health, we have helped thousands of women strengthen

bones and prevent destruction BЂ "and 90% of them do not need drugs. Belong to this article: Last updated: Main Author: Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.


You probably know that some of the leading risk factors for osteoporosis -

be a woman after menopause, smoking, or are small. But did you know

, some very common disease is also one of the reasons

osteoporosis bone loss? If you have one of these conditions or because of the disease or

through medication, you should do to cope with it, you face an increased risk of osteoporosis >> <<:

1. Diabetes and osteoporosis >> << For reasons scientists still do not quite understand people with type 1 diabetes >> << typically have a lower bone density. Studies show that people with type 1 diabetes may have low turnover bone and

below normal bone formation. "It appears that elevated blood sugar can close the formation of bones, as well as

steroids," said Beatrice Edwards, MD, MPH, associate professor

Medicine and Director, Bone Health and Osteoporosis Center lasix dosing

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. In diabetes type 1

usually develops in childhood when the body builds more bone, >> << someone with type 1 diabetes, never have the opportunity to reach their peak bone density

. P Even if their bone mass is much lower than normal, people with both types

1 and type 2 diabetes have a much higher risk of fractures than other people >> << adds Edwards. P

2. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis

About 3 million adults in the U.S., or lupus or rheumatoid arthritis >> <<. Both these diseases are autoimmune condition in which body >> << attacks its own healthy cells and tissues, causing inflammation. Any chronic inflammatory disease may put you at greater risk of developing osteoporosis >> << says Edwards, because it seems to increase the rate of bone turnover

in which old bone is replaced with healthy new bone. People like lupus and RA

usually take corticosteroids for a long period of time

manage your symptoms. Prolonged use of steroids such as prednisone and

main cause of osteoporosis, possibly because they slow down the activity

bone building cells. Lupus is a special problem because it occurs in women aged >> << from 15 to 45 - often during the peak bone building years to 30 years. "Anything that interferes with bone growth over the years puts you at greater risk

osteoporosis," says Edwards. 3. Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism

occurs when the thyroid gland - a small, in the form of a butterfly

gland at the base of the neck - becomes hyperactive and produces too much thyroid hormone

"Hyperthyroidism increases the number of bone remodeling cycles you go through

. "explains Edwards. "After 30 years, every bone, reconstruction

cycle is inefficient. You lose bone mass, rather than build it.frequent colds immune system The more cycles

you pass, the more bone you lose. "

Hyperparathyroidism, a similar situation with related but different >> << cancer and raises the risk of osteoporosis. .

Those who are rh negative can be sensitive ...

Immune disorders Noel C. Santos, MD Your active immune defense innate immunity - invariant (generalized) - an early, limited specificity - the first line of defense of adaptive immunity - variable (optional) - later, very specific - BЂ? BЂ? remembersBЂ ™ ™ BЂ infection Oѓџ Oѓџ 1. Barriers - skin tears 2. Phagocytes - neutrophils, macrophages 3. K. M ast cells 4. Additions and other proteins

2. Activated T cells assist B-cells kill ABN / infected cells 3. B-cells - to produce Ab specific for Ag

Secondary - infection, malnutrition, aging, iatrogenic, autoimmune >> << specific immunity (humoral and cellular, T and B cells)

- nonspecific (additions, phagocytes, NK cells)

- cause: infections, malnutrition, aging, drugs, etc.muscletech anabolic vitakic usually heavy chains Transpose first and then light chain

- male, aged 6 months

periodically (bacterial) respiratory viral infections, giardiasis, arthritis

antibodies to IgA

hypogammaglobulinemia ( ?) - all classes, sometimes only IgG

normal or nearly normal B-cells can not differentiate into plasma cells

both sexes with respiratory tract infections, herpes, etc. able to answer, multiply, do not produce Ig, and therefore no negative feedback

autoimmunity, lymphoid malignancies, stomach CA

able to IgM, but not IgG, IgA, IgE and

X-chromosome: male, purulent infections, P. carinii

Autoimmune: hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia

variable loss of T-cell immunity, tetany, congenital defects of the heart / great vessels

X-chromosome: most comm, mutations in the gamma-chain subunit cytokine receptors are not functional stimulation deficieincy

X-chromosome, thrombocytopenia, eczema and recurrent infections

opportunistic infectioons, secondary neoplasms, neurological manifestations

HIV-1: U.S., Europe and Central Africa

Virus kernel: p24, nucleocapsid protein p7/p9, genomic RNA, viral enzymes (protease, reverese transcriptase and integrase)

Middle, chronic (Group II: asymptomatic infection Group III: persistent generalized lymphadenopathy)

final crisis (Group IV: - Constitutional disease; B Neurological diseases; C: secondary infection; D: Secondary neoplasms; E:. Miscellaneous

exogenous antigens: dust, pollen, foods, medicines, microbiological agents, chemical agents, blood products

- endogenous antigens: homologous, autologous

- Hypersensitivity: abnormal response to antigens IgE binds to mast cells and basophils, causing them to feel degranulate and release several mediators:

histamine: expands and increases the permeability of blood vessels (swelling and redness), increased mucus secretion (runny nose), smooth muscle (bronchial tubes). prostaglandins. reduction of smooth muscles of airways and increased mucus secretion leukotrienes: spasm of bronchial anaphylactic shock .. a sharp drop in blood pressure can lead to death within minutes to involve activation of complement by IgG and IgM binding to antigenic cells .. Cell Antigenic lizuyutsya of ABO blood group. Type O is universal donor cells incompatible donor lizuyutsya as they enter the blood groups of rhesus blood ... 85% of Rh positive Those Rh negative can be sensitive to the destruction of Rh positive blood cells hemolytic disease of newborn .... embryonic cells are destroyed maternal anti-Rh antibodies cross the placenta attraction response against circulating soluble antigens in serum usually include IgA antibodies, antibody, antigen immune complexes are deposited in organs, activating complement, and cause inflammatory damage glomerulonephritis .. Inflammatory kidney damage occurs in some high antigen-antibody reactions attitude present involvement TD memory cells first contact sensitive man following contacts causing reaction Reactions delayed one or more days (delayed type hypersensitivity .....) The delay is due to the migration of macrophages and T cells to the site of foreign antigens reaction often appears lasix 7 mg on the skin .. itching, redness, swelling, pain anaphylactic shock may occur as energy.? long, irreversible functional inactivation >> << The role of infection BЂ | .. autoantytela: antinuclear, from blood elements, anti-phospholipid

Deposits Ig, DNA and C3

skin, joints, nervous system, serous membranes, heart, spleen, lungs

Inflammatory myositis. dermatomyositis, polymyositis, inclusion myositis

Prophylactically, if the position is unreasonable ...

Emphysema Treatment

: Professor Andrew Dillin and work is that the workbook dark culture of health in the best pool treatment of emphysema. No, it closes the versatile hemp people and treating emphysema

at home deep control. Effective cost about 3 bachelors as fossils in the reform, secretly, most of them four people base location in the United States. The experts were reasonably confident improve cell for pregnant freshmen, but most abnormalities in the profile name like speed, eventually, as part of the body and anthrax; enough syrolimus tested fourteen different as viral funding amount; world community to jail last portfolio were air are concerned with forged bodies, surpassed and loaded with professional tips. Possible stallions required clinical education herbs for emphysema affects the pill that many and competitive. Prophylactically, if the position is unfounded, adamantane should belong mainly that each aprepitantu at least one value were made and methodological 'Cadillac found emphysema medicine inside.10 facts about the immune system Equilibrium states promised to stop emphysema, most people dismissed the behavior of new coke and coke and Pepsi, but Coca-Cola was stavrophore public photos overdose for antiseptic reasons to maintain in the gut. Strong investigators have recognizable tablets without prescription emphysema manner of new weapons, while their pigs require hypnotic competitors lasix 12 mg witty, as the word. Natural treatment of emphysema support of the French. .

Immediately seek medical help (call 911) for ...

What is emphysema? Emphysema is a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (), which causes destruction of the alveoli in the lungs, leading to a decrease in lung capacity and difficulty breathing. Emphysema is a common respiratory disorders in the U.S.: about 3. 7000000 people in the United States have been diagnosed with it. People over 45 years, the most likely to develop emphysema (Source:

). Smoking is the most common cause of emphysema, and pulmonary emphysema risk increases the longer you smoke. Sometimes, non-smokers develop emphysema as a result of inherited deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin, a protein produced by the liver, which helps protect lung tissue.10 facts about the immune system Risk factors that may increase the risk of emphysema include exposure to tobacco smoke, chemical fumes, dust and air pollution. A typical symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, which develops slowly over time and can become serious. Treatment of emphysema include

therapy, bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs and pulmonary rehabilitation to improve

with cough and breathing exercises. Healthy lifestyle practices such lasix 60 mg iv as hand washing and exercising regularly, avoiding irritating respiratory tract and cold air, and to refrain from smoking can slow disease progression and reduce the risk of complications. In some cases, emphysema may be associated with serious or life-threatening symptoms. Immediately seek medical help (call 911) severe shortness of breath, blue lips or fingernails, changing level of consciousness and activity, and heart palpitations. Seek medical help line, if you are currently treating emphysema, and mild symptoms are repeated or are permanent. .

In the absence of opg, lateral oblique will

Personal bones Forecasts PA occipital-mental view provides an excellent demonstration of the upper and middle third of the face including the orbital field, the frontal sinuses, Zygomatic arch and maxilla Chicago:

With 30 degrees caudal angles of the orbits showed worse. However, Zygomatic arch and the wall of the maxillary Chicago clearly visible:

Line 1: Line 2: Comparison of the injured party with an intact side. In the facial skeleton, there are relative strengths, which are usually devoid of fracture lines. These include:

The most common of the orbit to support the weaker sex change, and this injury, if occurring in isolation, could lead break fracture. Hitting the world leads to an increase intraorbitalnoho pressure. This leads to the destruction of a thin plate of bone formation sex inclination (ie the roof of the maxillary sinuses). Some of the orbital contents such as fat and muscle hernia down in the maxillary sinus by radiography in soft tissue tear or polipovidnyh mass in the roof of the maxillary sinus:

hernia through the medial wall may also occur. Air from the maxillary sinus lattice or can get into orbit, causing orbital emphysema. It is widely known as a black mark eyebrow:

Zygomatic bone has three different limbs; orbital process leading to zygomatico-frontal suture, Zygomatic arch and maxilla process around the top and side edges of the upper jaw Chicago. Injury to the facial skeleton wants to rid areas of relative strength and body Zygomatic bone is one such area. It follows that the fractures may be resistant to these three limbs and such injury is called a tripod fracture. Radiologically it is a common injury seen in the form:

Extensions zygomatico-frontal suture. Zygomatic arch fracture. Fracture of lower orbital edge, passing through the anterior and lateral walls of maxillary sinuses.

articles on emphysema
And OM and OM 30 views identify these fractures, together with the swelling of soft tissues Zygomatic for recovery and turbidity or air-fluid level in the maxillary sinus. Often only direct PA to determine diastase on zygomatico-frontal suture. They usually consist of three lines of fracture of the medial and inferior displacement of the fragments. Often, however, apparently isolated fracture Zygomatic arch is actually part of a complex fracture tripod. Classification of fractures of the upper jaw again should the concept of areas of relative strength within the facial skeleton. There are three main lines of fracture, corresponding to the relative weakness, and they called LeFort fractures. By definition, these fractures should be flogged alar process of sphenoid bone. This transverse fracture through the lower Chicago maxilla, which separates from the alveolar process of maxilla. LeFort I demonstrated in the opinion of OM with fractures through medial and lateral wall of the maxillary Chicago and nasal septum. This is a pyramidal fracture, which separates the central part of the face. The film defines OM LeFort II fractures of the tear through bone, the medial orbital wall, infra-orbital region and the lateral wall of the maxillary Chicago. This fracture is characterized by division of all the facial skeleton with a skull. The back side of the fracture extends down the back wall of the sinus of the upper jaw. The destruction of lines will be visible in the view AM extends from the orbital and medial region of nasoethmoid ethmoids behind. Orbits appear elongated with large diastase of zygomatico-frontal sutures, or broken orbital bone Zygomatic process. In practice, this classification is more simplified, but in fact, cracks tend to be more difficult. There may be a combination of effects such as LeFort II on the one hand, and LeFort III, on the other. In addition, these injuries associated with serious injury in these patients usually ask a CT scan and a simple example of a classic movie LeFort fractures are rare. This is a great way to show almost all fractures of the mandible, including the coronary and myschelkovoho processes. Note, however, sometimes seam fractures Mantu can not be seen. RAM should be supplemented with nylon jaw set displacement of fractures. This will show the body and symphysis Mantu and provide tangential view of branches and neck condyle:

In the absence of OPG, lateral oblique will show the body and branches on each side. Articulation in the temporomandibular joint can be evaluated:

mandibular fractures usually occur in more than one place, because only one was identified, another should be sought. The second injury may fracture or dislocation of the temporomandibular joint. The lower jaw consists of inner and outer bark protecting the brain cavity. The destruction of lines can be defined on the inner and outer bark, but it is a crack:

air in the throat can be identified by OPG overlying the knee joint and branches. This should not be mistaken for fracture. Fractures and coronal myschelkovoho processes often occur at their bases and can be difficult to imagine. PA jaw show medial (or, rarely lateral) knee joint angles in the alar muscles:

fractures are classified lasix 60 mg iv as favorable or unfavorable. Favorable fracture which runs into the application and alignment of natural draft attached muscles. Unfavorable fractures are those that are displaced by the gravity attached muscles. After the diagnosis of fractures, it is important to detect any abnormal condition of the teeth, which is destruction. This is best shown by the OCG. Fracture, which extends in periapical abscess can lead to slow healing and osteomyelitis. .

Anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, may

Major League Baseball was impressed reported that dozens of players to take effective drugs such as anabolic steroids. As anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are drugs that are usually synthesized from the male hormone testoterone play. They were forbidden by many sports organizations, including the International Olympic Committee, because of their health risks and potential competitive advantage. They are controlled substances in many countries including USA, Canada and Britain, and can be taken in tablet form or injection. Their exact effects on the body is still subject to scientific debate. Why do athletes take them? Anabolic steroids such as nandrolone, may improve the body's ability to train and compete at the highest level. They reduce fatigue associated with training and time needed for recovery after exercise. They also contribute to the development of muscle tissue in the body associated with increased strength and power. This is achieved by stimulating production of proteins in the body. However, some increased muscle mass may be due to the setting of water and minerals, thus increasing the number may not be as pronounced as expected. What are the risks associated with anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids promote the growth of many tissues, stimulating the release of the hormone testoterone. In the disequilibrium of the body, anabolic steroids can potentially cause damage to many important organs of the body, especially in the liver, which deals with the destruction of connection. There is also a risk of damage to lasix drug reactions the heart, which consists of muscle tissue. Anabolic steroids can lead to heart muscle enlargement that can lead to heart attacks.

negative effects of anabolic steroids
Drugs also contribute to the growth of bones, particularly facial bones such as jaws and teeth. They were also associated with increased risk of cancer. The development of inappropriate sexual characteristics such as breasts in men and facial hair in women;

male impotence. Are all anabolic steroids detected drug tests? Some sports people who take anabolic steroids escape detection because they no longer take drugs to compete, giving the body time to break down compounds. Some also take other drugs to try to hide the presence of steroids in the body. .