You really need medication for bones? Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.
There are several categories of drugs prescribed for the defense of the bones. In this article we will discuss the results of a group known as bisphosphonates. YouBЂ ™ Bi probably seen advertisements all over the world with popular celebrity who
prevents the loss of bone mass in front of certain approved prescription drugs. While these ads may help somewhat increase our awareness of the importance >> << to bone health, I would I as much money as the big pharmaceutical companies >> << to loudly broadcast one message you must hear:
You probably donBЂ ™ t
needed medicine for healthy bones. My reflections on the basis of their research generic lasix and experience, which, as the most popular forms
prescription drug BЂ "bisphosphonates (with trademarks Fosamax,
Actonel or Boniva) BЂ" not the best way to prevent osteoporosis and fractures,
may even damage the bone after further use, and also carries the risk of dangerous side effects. As your attorney bone health, I urge you to carefully examine any medications that you
can make an informed decision about your personal therapy. If you're concerned about your bone health, IBЂ ™ m not the only call you issue >> << use of bisphosphonates as a first step. In 2004, the doctor
under the following pyramid as a guide to protect bone health:
Based on (or what should be tried first): prevention and treatment that starts with
nutrition, physical activity and avoid falling. The second level includes assessment and treatment of the root causes of threats << bone health. The very top >> pyramid, and the last resort, is pharmacotherapy BЂ "drug bone.
Unfortunately, many practitioners turned this pyramid upside down, and prescribe drugs
bones before trying anything else. It may seem easy, just pop pills and
forget about it, but prescription medication is rarely easy on your body. As bisphosphonates have your practitioner may recommend bisphosphonates based design drugBЂ ™ s to slow or stop the
loss of bone density. Drug molecules are attached to the surface and mineral
, in the cortex (outer compact bone) and trabekulyarnoy (inner spongy matrix) bone to give a marked increase in bone mass and strengthen >> << ; effect. It does this by preventing perforation, which can weaken bones structure, >> << and intervention in the cells that break bone BЂ old "known as
osteoclasts. This means
resorption, the natural process of clearing old bones
slowed down, so that existing bone remains for a longer time than usual. However ... We know that there is time lag in
first six to 12 months after the drug when the bone under construction
and ceases to be destroyed. This initial separation of the natural process of bone >> << explains why the test results appear dramatic bone density in the first year >> << to bisphosphonates. But a year later, everything begins to change ... Studies show that after the first year, markers of bone turnover BЂ
"growth and resorption BЂ" down sharply. Thus, the bone is neither creation nor destruction
once youBЂ ™ Bi bisphosphonates were more >> << year or so. While women taking bisphosphonates, may seem to have more dense bone first
bone scans, he doesnBЂ ™ t mean the bone is actually stronger. In fact, we know that
bones naturally become less dense as we age, but what protects us from exhausting
fracture our innate ability to recover, which means to break down old bone and resume
new bone as naturally as part of the cycle. And that is the natural recovery process of the bones stopped drugs, quite likely that the prolonged use
weaken rather than strengthen bones. I had a patient who was on Fosamax for four years and then turned in her bedroom
evening and fell to the floor, breaking his leg in two different places. Although these BЂњlow-traumaBЂ "BЂњnontraumaticBЂ and" fractures arenBЂ ™ t is with great
number of women on bisphosphonates, they certainly serve as a warning for those
whereas prolonged use of these drugs as BЂњpreventive medicine. BЂ "It also points
that stop bone resorption doesnBЂ ™ t automatically gives us strong bones
, and may actually make them more brittle over time. WhatBЂ ™ s disappointment for me this way numbers of studies can be manipulated to
exaggerate treatment benefits. Statistical calculations often are complex and can be represented >> << differently BЂ "depending on what you want to say! One way BЂњspin numbersBЂ "should present the results of specially selected
research participants as representative results for all others. In one study, researchers asked
BЂњreal-worldBЂ "patients taking drugs was the same bone fracture reduction
benefits seen in clinical trials. After analyzing hundreds of studies, they
found that very compatible, BЂњreal worldBЂ "patients osteoporosis drugs tested
21% reduction of all clinical fractures. This compares with 24% of the clinical
reduce the fracture face subjects with osteoporosis drug trials. Now compare a 21-24% reduction in fractures of the benefits of bone drugs >> << documenting research that those who took vitamin D in any dose (less than therapeutic doses)
Experience 23-26% -decrease in fractures. This is a completely different message than the ones that we often hear BЂ "as bone drug
reduce the likelihood of fractures by 50% that they are much more effective than
natural treatment.
There is much fear and anxiety around any diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia. ItBЂ ™ s know that your body is capable of creating and strengthening
dice on their own, when considering the need to support and time for this. Ultimately, the choice
you. Recipes that are advertised on television sounds and looks tempting, but
benefits often exaggerated. Over 25 years in our center bone health, we have helped thousands of women strengthen
bones and prevent destruction BЂ "and 90% of them do not need drugs. Belong to this article: Last updated: Main Author: Dr. Susan Brown, Ph.D.